Event Safety

The safety and comfort of participants at the event are paramount. To make sure the event will be safe and comfortable, information and processes need to be available and in place.

Safety information

A minimum of information should be available and at hand for organisers and participants, including:

  • Venue contacts
    • Medical emergency number
    • Site security number
    • Fire warden number or help number
  • City contacts
    • Medical emergency number (e.g. 999 in the UK)
    • Security emergency number (e.g. for the Police)
    • Address of the nearest accident and emergency equipped hospital
    • Address of medical practitioners who offer walk-in services
    • Address of the nearest pharmacy

Code of Conduct

As well as medical and security matters, governed by the institutional and legal authority of the venue, a Code of Conduct will mandate standards of behaviour and interaction expected from organisers and participants. These are becoming increasingly common at events and show a commitment to running a safe event. In some cases, they need to be in place before potential sponsors agree to sponsor the event.

The Code of Conduct should come as a set of documents: