CW21 Outputs and Outcomes



  • Facilitation of new collaborations between participants

    • Feedback from CW21 participants included that 28.6% of respondants met more than 15 new people at the workshop, 68.6% of respondants started 1-2 collaborations based on conversations at the workshop, and 80% of respondants intend to carry on working on the idea they developed at the CW21 Hack Day.
CW21 Participant Feedback on how many new people they met at CW21

Feedback from CW21 participants on how many new people they met at CW21

CW21 Participant Feedback on how many collaborations did they start, or intend to start, based on conversations from CW21

Feedback from CW21 participants on how many collaborations did they start, or intend to start, based on conversations from CW21

CW21 Participant Feedback on whether they intend to carry on working on the idea they developed at the CW21 Hack Day

Feedback from CW21 participants on whether they intend to carry on working on the idea they developed at the CW21 Hack Day

  • Increased accessibility and inclusion

    • Feedback on the use of live transcription and captioning from participants included: “I am an non-native english speaker; reading helps with understanding”, “I have a slight hearing impairment which sometime makes it difficult for me to follow a conversation. I like being able to use the transcription.” and “It is super helpful to be able to go back to a sentence if I misheard anything”.
CW21 Participant Feedback on whether it was helpful / more accessible to have live transcription and captioning during the workshop

Feedback from CW21 participants on whether it was helpful / more accessible to have live transcription and captioning during the workshop